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About WYHK Portal


Founded by 3 ambitious Form 1s in early October 2023, WYHK Portal has always been expanding its service to fellow Wahyanites, yet our heart and enthusiasm for Portal has always been the same.

Back then, one of those form 1s, Don created a simple, yet beautiful & useful website. It featured links for different school information, and an updating homework board. Although this seemed nothing for Don, it turns to be lifesavers for students that lags behind. 1Y Isaac Lau, Heiden Lau, and later Nathan Tse decided to open the website to the public, attarcting over 7000 visits up to date.

Students would actively upload homework & announcements, and created social media platforms, such as Whatsapp, Instagram & Discord. Still, our heart to do more still strives, as we volunteered to make mock examination papers during the heated Unifrom Test period. The income from mock papers all goes to funding the website's thirsty $150/month maintenence fees. So far, the entire 1Y has been coated with drops of Portal's service, contribution and love. 

Our future plans including introducing mock papers to class 1W, and creating strategic battle games for students to fill their golden year of Form 1, with happiness that would never be forgotten. WYHK Portal, serving Wahyannites since 2023.


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